In 1972, the Tasmanian Government agreed to make the water of the disused Cascade Dam (constructed 1934) available for irrigation. The Government agreed to a scheme that would service around 60 properties in the Derby/Winnaleah area of North Eastern Tasmania.

 It is a gravity fed system utilising the Cascade Dam as its water source, which is approx. 350 metres above sea level. Its capacity is 3450 mega litres. The Winnaleah plateau is the area which is irrigated with this water.

Soils are mainly Kraznozem based, clay loam type, which are ideal for cropping and pastures.

There is approx. 35 klms of pipeline, supplying an agricultural industry consisting of dairy, cropping, beef cattle and piggeries, over approximately 4443 hectares. The towns of Derby and Herrick plus rural housing also use this water.